Last week, I tagged along with one of my favorite people to run some bureaucratic errands. Through the various points of waiting for things to happen (waiting in line, waiting for a phone call, etc. etc.), we picked up a local paper to browse through to pass the time. While there really wasn't anything particularly interesting to read in it, it at least allowed us to kill a few minutes. Once we finished perusing the pages, and realizing we had at least another 2 hours before we could take care of the next step in the bureaucratic process, we decided to find some food.
Having been craving a hot dog for about a week, we decided to head over to our favorite hot dog place on East Side, I Dream of Weenie, that exists inside a VW bus. Upon arriving, however, we discovered that the establishment changed owners and was moving a few blocks away, and would not re-open for quite some time. It seemed as if my hot dog craving would not be satisfied. But then my friend remembered seeing an ad in the paper we randomly picked up about a hot dog place nearby. Not having anywhere else to be, and now making finding a hot dog my mission, we took off for this new place.
The name of the place is Hot Diggity Dog, and believe me when I tell you that I was immediately excited when we arrived. This place had character. It's in a cute-looking house, very near to downtown, and smelled amazingly. When we walked in, I felt my excitement for what I knew would be an amazing hot dog grow. The menu claimed that they served Chicago-style hot dogs, and the best part, they also served fries. Hot dog and fries, in a place new to me, discovered on a beautiful day serendipitously with one of my favorite people, makes for an extremely awesome day. We placed our order and sat down at some stools to wait. On the wall there is a map of Chicago, that has a sign asking patrons from the Chicago area to put a pin on their area of town. Many places in the city were represented, and it claimed it was a way for all previous Chicago dwellers to connect. The individuals that came in before and after us spoke easily with the workers as well, and some even seemed to know the people personally. It was the kind of place that makes you feel that you will be remembered for having visited, and a way to develop a relationship with those providing the service.
Today's Wit: A Zen Master walks up to a hot-dog seller and says: "Make me one with everything."
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